Austin, TX 78701 (512) 501-0548

Is Your Home’s Electrical Service Panel Up To Date?

Is Your Home’s Electrical Service Panel Up To Date?  

How to Determine If You Have to Hire an Electrical Repair Service Provider to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

There are two main reasons to update your current electrical service panel: the panel is not big enough for your current electrical demand or it is not safe. Either way, an upgrade of your panel is crucial to both your immediate safety and the future integrity of your electrical system. However, keep in mind that only a licensed and insured electrical repair service provider can update your electrical service panel.

What is an electrical panel?

Every electrical system is equipped with an electrical panel. It is also known as breaker panel or electrical service box and it provides a point for electricity to enter your home. It also serves as the distribution system that controls, maintains, and distributes electricity to all the circuits in your home. Additionally, it also serves as the first line of protection against high loads of electricity that may enter your home from the grid.

Signs that your panel is unsafe

Older homes are equipped with electrical panels that still use fuses instead of breakers. A fuse does pretty much the same things as a breaker (protects your circuits from big electrical loads) only that it is not as accurate as the latter. Furthermore, when a fuse blows, you have to replace it with a new one. However, when a breaker trips, all you have to do is press the reset button. The bottom line is that if your panel is equipped with fuses, then you should hire an electrical repair specialist to upgrade it.

Signs that your panel is insufficient

Older homes were designed for the electrical demands present at the time of construction. However, people tend to install more and more high-powered appliances in their homes, without thinking that their electrical systems may not be able to withstand the electrical load these appliances require. One of the most common signs that your panel is insufficient is when the breaker trips too often. If this is your case, then hire a licensed electrician to inspect your system and determine whether you must upgrade your panel or not.

Hurley's Electrical Services, Inc. is located in Austin, TX and we offer some of the best electrical services in the area. Call us at (512) 501-0548 if you’d like to request an estimate.

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