Austin, TX 78701 (512) 501-0548

Do Electricians Need Special Tools?

Do Electricians Need Special Tools?  

What Tools Does an Affordable Commercial Electrical Service Provider Need?

An electrician’s screwdriver is used to drive in or take out screws into most materials by placing it on the head of the screw and simply turning it clockwise or anti clockwise. It is somewhat similar to other screwdrivers; however, the handle will be insulated in order to protect against any electrical shocks and the shaft sometimes will also be insulated. The tip of this screwdriver will vary, depending on the kind of screw being worked on, so in many cases, an affordable commercial electrical service provider will carry a set, instead of just one or a one that comes with replaceable bits so that various different screws can be worked on by just one screwdriver.

The two common models are a Phillips head and a flat head. The Phillips has a cross pattern, and the middle of the cross extends out more than the arms of the cross, this makes it much easier to insert the driver into the head of the screw. This is the most common type, so a Phillips screwdriver is one of the more commonly used by an electrician. A flat head has a straight head which slots into a screw specifically made to accept this. This allows for a better delivery of torque however, the screwdriver does have a tendency to slide out of position when being driving in.

Sometimes the tip of an electrician’s screwdriver is magnetized. This makes it much easier to line up the screwdriver to the head of a screw. It helps to stop an electrician dropping the screw if the screwdriver lose contact. Instead of falling, the screw is secured to the end of the driver even if no pressure is applied. Some advanced models could also come with a ratchet mechanism, which prevents an electrician having to disengage the screwdriver off a screw when driving it in.

Call Hurley's Electrical Services, Inc., our affordable commercial electrical service work in and around the Austin, TX area. You can reach us at (512) 501-0548 if you have any questions or want to make an appointment.

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